Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, August 10, 2008

On her way to sitting!

Alyssa has been getting better at sitting up! I think the longest she's sat now is 30 seconds before falling over. She turned 10 months old yesterday. . .getting so big! Pretty soon she won't be my baby anymore! Well, for another year or so, then she won't be a baby anymore. . . .Still I wish they could stay babies longer! I'm sure the last year of being a baby will fly. . . . :(

She gets to go to a Fisher Price party in September. Someone from Cisco won a party to try out new toys that haven't been released yet. They look like fun toys! For coming, we'll get some coupons, and she'll get a free toy. . .small toy. . .not a big one like the ones they'll be trying out. But, hey! It's something! :) We're excited. It should be fun. :)


maren bosley said...

Hi Elizabeth! sorry I haven't responded sooner. Life is crazy these days! Of course you can add us to your blog list. Your girls are DARLING! And it sounds like you're doing a lot. I'm impressed!

Amanda said...

The girls in your garden are so beautiful. You definitely have a green thumb. I totally agree about wishing they would stay babies longer. It makes me sad that they grow up so fast.